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Public Disclosure

Public Disclosure for Massage Therapy, Bodywork and Touch Therapies
As required by the State of Vermont


1. Professional qualifications and experience.


Joanie Bégin-Morin

8+ years of experience in providing bodywork and ayurvedic health coaching


Massage Therapy Certification from Wellness Massage Institute (Saint-Albans, VT)

Ayurvedic Bodywork training with Surinda Cavanagh (Stowe, VT)

Marma Therapy Certification from the Ayurvedic Institute (Albuquerque, NM)

Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy Certification from New World Ayurveda (Portland, ME)

Yoga Teacher Certification from Shambhava School of Yoga (Rollinsville, CO)


Marisa Hall

7+ years of experience providing Ayurvedic Health Counseling


Ayurvedic Health Counselor certification from Kripalu School of Ayurveda (Stockbridge, MA)

Ayurvedic Womb Healing and Advanced Ayurveda for Sex, Fertility and Menstrual Health courses with Adena Rose Bright (Jericho, VT)

4+ year of experience providing Ayurvedic Bodywork


Ayurvedic Bodywork Training with Joanie Bégin-Morin (Montpelier, VT)

Marma Therapy certification with Anisha Durve (Underhill, VT)


Rebecca Szeg

6+ years of experience in providing massage therapy

Licensed in the state of New Hampshire


Great Bay Community College, Massage Therapy Certificate Program

Level 2 Reiki certification


Kara Peterson

6 + years of experience in providing massage therapy


Massage and Energy Healing Certification from the Universal Institute of Healing Arts in Middlesex, VT (Bob Onne)


Kristen Bozarth

9+ years of experience in providing massage therapy


Massage Therapy Certification from the National Massage Therapy Institute in Philadelphia


Jess O'Brien

1+ years experience as an Ayurvedic Bodyworker

Training :

Ayurvedic Bodywork training with Joanie Bégin-Morin (Montpelier, VT)


Sierra Klotz

8+ years experience as personal trainer

4+ years experience as Physical Therapist and Myofascial Release Practitioner


University of Vermont degree in Athletic Training and doctorate of Physical Therapy

John Barnes Myofascial Release methods training

10-week internship at the Institute of Physical Arts

10+ years in various embodiment and mindfulness practices


Erica Getto

5+ years experience as as a Massage Therapist


Massage Therapy and Asian bodywork certification from Elements of Healing (Essex, VT)


Johannah Tallon

3+ years experience as an Ayurvedic Bodyworker and Panchakarma therapist


Kripalu Ayurvedic Health Counselor program

Panchakarma Therapist training at The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont


Joanna Vinton

10+ Years experience as a Massage Therapist


Crestone Healing Arts Center (Crestone, CO) 630 Hrs Massage Education, Including Hot Stone, Prenatal, and Reiki I and II

Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY) - B.S. Community Health Education with a Nutritional Concentration

Birth Arts International (Burlington, VT) - Labor Doula Certification

Infant Massage USA (Crestone, CO) - Infant Massage Instructor

Brad Highberger, CMT (Stowe,VT) - 16 hrs Independent Study, Neuromuscular Trigger Point Therapy/Myofascial Release

Benjamin Institute of Advanced Studies (Burlington, VT) - 6.5 CEU Advanced Deep Tissue/Myofascial Techniques for Head and Neck

ASIS Massage Education, Heidi Wilson (Tucson, AZ) - 34 hrs Visionary Craniosacral, Level I

Adelaide Meadow (Online Course Study) -  Radical Pelvic Health Intensive

Gentle Landing Midwifery (Barre, VT) - Midwifery Apprenticeship and Ongoing Assistant

Katherine Bramhall (Barre, VT) - 'Journey Into Birth' birth keeper training


Kelly Melanson

16+ years of experience in Massage Therapy, 7+ years of
experience in Herbal Medicine

Elizabeth Grady School of Massage Therapy (Medford, MA)
Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism (Boulder, CO)


Julia Shaw

1+ years of experience in providing bodywork


Massage Therapy Certification, Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy-600 hr (Samara, CR)

Shiatsu and Thai Massage-100hr, CRSMT (Samara, CR)

Rock Tape (Kineseology) Certification, CRSMT (Samara, CR)

Pre and Perinatal Massage Training, Sanctuary Healing Arts-37hr (Longmont,CO)

Deep Massage Training, Downeast School of Massage-24 hr (Waldoboro,  ME)


Shannon Kelly

6+ years of experience providing bodywork


2019 - Energy work training with Katie Todd

2021 - Lomi Lomi training with Vermont Holistic Bodywork

2023 - Lomi Lomi training with Vermont Holistic Bodywork


Kaya Pulz

2+ years of experience providing bodywork


Asian bodywork certification from Shiatsu School of Vermont (Brattleboro, VT)

6+ years of experience as a Western herbalist


Herbalist apprenticeship certification from Herb Pharm (Williams, OR)

Clinical herbalist certification from EarthWalk School of Herbal Traditions (Rockport, ME)


2. Actions that constitute unprofessional conduct.

Please note that unprofessional conduct means the conduct set forth in 3 V.S.A. § 129a and the following:

(1) engaging in activities in violation of 13 V.S.A. § 2605 (voyeurism);

(2) engaging in a sexual act with a client;

(3) conviction of a crime committed while engaged in the practice of massage or the practice of bodywork;

(4) performing massage or bodywork that the massage therapist, bodyworker, or touch professional knows or has reason to know has not been authorized by a client or the client's legal representative; and

(5) engaging in conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public. (Added 2019, No. 178 (Adj. Sess.), § 29, eff. April 1, 2021.)

(a) In addition to any other provision of law, the following conduct by a licensee constitutes unprofessional conduct. When that conduct is by an applicant or person who later becomes an applicant, it may constitute grounds for denial of a license or other disciplinary action. Any one of the following items or any combination of items, whether the conduct at issue was committed within or outside the State, shall constitute unprofessional conduct:

(1) Fraudulent or deceptive procurement or use of a license.

(2) Advertising that is intended or has a tendency to deceive.

(3) Failing to comply with provisions of federal or State statutes or rules governing the practice of the profession.

(4) Failing to comply with an order of the board or violating any term or condition of a license restricted by the board.

(5) Practicing the profession when medically or psychologically unfit to do so.

(6) Delegating professional responsibilities to a person whom the licensed professional knows, or has reason to know, is not qualified by training, experience, education, or licensing credentials to perform them, or knowingly providing professional supervision or serving as a preceptor to a person who has not been licensed or registered as required by the laws of that person's profession.

(7) Willfully making or filing false reports or records in the practice of the profession, willfully impeding or obstructing the proper making or filing of reports or records, or willfully failing to file the proper reports or records.

(8) Failing to make available promptly to a person using professional health care services, that person's representative, or succeeding health care professionals or institutions, upon written request and direction of the person using professional health care services, copies of that person's records in the possession or under the control of the licensed practitioner, or failing to notify patients or clients how to obtain their records when a practice closes.

(9) Failing to retain client records for a period of seven years, unless laws specific to the profession allow for a shorter retention period. When other laws or agency rules require retention for a longer period of time, the longer retention period shall apply.

(10) Conviction of a crime related to the practice of the profession or conviction of a felony, whether or not related to the practice of the profession.

(11) Failing to report to the Office a conviction of any felony or misdemeanor offense in a Vermont District Court, a Vermont Superior Court, a federal court, or a court outside Vermont within 30 days.

(12) Exercising undue influence on or taking improper advantage of a person using professional services, or promoting the sale of services or goods in a manner that exploits a person for the financial gain of the practitioner or a third party.

(13) Performing treatments or providing services that the licensee is not qualified to perform or that are beyond the scope of the licensee's education, training, capabilities, experience, or scope of practice.

(14) Failing to report to the Office within 30 days a change of name, e-mail, or mailing address.

(15) Failing to exercise independent professional judgment in the performance of licensed activities when that judgment is necessary to avoid action repugnant to the obligations of the profession.

(16)(A) Impeding an investigation under this chapter or unreasonably failing to reply, cooperate, or produce lawfully requested records in relation to such investigation.

(B) The patient privilege set forth in 12 V.S.A. § 1612 shall not bar the licensee's obligations under this subsection (a) and a confidentiality agreement entered into in concluding a settlement of a civil claim shall not exempt the licensee from fulfilling his or her obligations under this subdivision (16).

(17) Advertising, promoting, or recommending a therapy or treatment in a manner tending to deceive the public or to suggest a degree of reliability or efficacy unsupported by competent evidence and professional judgment.

(18) Promotion by a treatment provider of the sale of drugs, devices, appliances, or goods provided for a patient or client in such a manner as to exploit the patient or client for the financial gain of the treatment provider, or selling, prescribing, giving away, or administering drugs for other than legal and legitimate therapeutic purposes.

(19) Willful misrepresentation in treatments or therapies.

(20) Offering, undertaking, or agreeing to cure or treat a disease or disorder by a secret method, procedure, treatment, or medicine.

(21) Permitting one's name or license to be used by a person, group, or corporation when not actually in charge of or responsible for the professional services provided.

(22) Prescribing, selling, administering, distributing, ordering, or dispensing any drug legally classified as a controlled substance for the licensee's own use or to an immediate family member as defined by rule.

(23) For any professional with prescribing authority, signing a blank or undated prescription form or negligently failing to secure electronic means of prescribing.

(24) For any mental health care provider, use of conversion therapy as defined in 18 V.S.A. § 8351 on a client younger than 18 years of age.

(25) For providers of clinical care to patients, failing to have in place a plan for responsible disposition of patient health records in the event the licensee should become incapacitated or unexpectedly discontinue practice.

(26) Sexually harassing or exploiting a patient, client, or consumer, or doing so to a coworker in a manner that threatens the health, safety, or welfare of patients, clients, or consumers; failing to maintain professional boundaries; or violating a patient, client, or consumer's reasonable expectation of privacy.

(b) Failure to practice competently by reason of any cause on a single occasion or on multiple occasions may constitute unprofessional conduct, whether actual injury to a client, patient, or customer has occurred. Failure to practice competently includes:

(1) performance of unsafe or unacceptable patient or client care; or

(2) failure to conform to the essential standards of acceptable and prevailing practice.

(c) The burden of proof in a disciplinary action shall be on the State to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the person has engaged in unprofessional conduct.

(d)(1) After hearing, and upon a finding of unprofessional conduct, a board or an administrative law officer may take disciplinary action against a licensee or applicant, including imposing an administrative penalty not to exceed $5,000.00 for each unprofessional conduct violation.

(2)(A) Any money received under this subsection shall be deposited in the Professional Regulatory Fee Fund established in section 124 of this chapter for the purpose of providing education and training for board members and advisor appointees.

(B) The Director shall detail in the annual report receipts and expenses from money received under this subsection.

(e) In the case where a standard of unprofessional conduct as set forth in this section conflicts with a standard set forth in a specific board's statute or rule, the standard that is most protective of the public shall govern.


3. How to file a complaint with OPR

You can file a complaint with the State of Vermont by using their online platform at this link:


4. How to get more information about the profession and registered professionals from OPR

People can get more information about registered massage therapists, bodyworkers, and touch professionals at this link:

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